Ham with maple syrup and beer: festive meal for...
Immerse yourself in the heart of Quebec traditions with our recipe for ham with maple syrup and beer, a perfect blend of sweet and comforting flavors. Ideal for Easter celebrations...
Ham with maple syrup and beer: festive meal for...
Immerse yourself in the heart of Quebec traditions with our recipe for ham with maple syrup and beer, a perfect blend of sweet and comforting flavors. Ideal for Easter celebrations...
Labneh mezze, cauliflower and chanterelles with...
In our perpetual quest for new flavors and enriching culinary experiences, we recently explored the fascinating concept of mezzes, a treasure of Mediterranean cuisine that celebrates diversity and sharing. Among...
Labneh mezze, cauliflower and chanterelles with...
In our perpetual quest for new flavors and enriching culinary experiences, we recently explored the fascinating concept of mezzes, a treasure of Mediterranean cuisine that celebrates diversity and sharing. Among...
Mom's Traditional Quebec Meatloaf
Immerse yourself in Quebec tradition with our recipe for traditional meatloaf, a comforting dish that echoes sweet childhood memories and warm family meals. We share with you the secrets of...
Mom's Traditional Quebec Meatloaf
Immerse yourself in Quebec tradition with our recipe for traditional meatloaf, a comforting dish that echoes sweet childhood memories and warm family meals. We share with you the secrets of...
Black Forest Cocktail
Immerse yourself in the fascinating world where mixology meets pastry with our latest masterpiece: the “Black Forest Cocktail” and its non-alcoholic companion, the “Black Forest Mocktail”. Inspired by the iconic...
Black Forest Cocktail
Immerse yourself in the fascinating world where mixology meets pastry with our latest masterpiece: the “Black Forest Cocktail” and its non-alcoholic companion, the “Black Forest Mocktail”. Inspired by the iconic...
Authentic Cream Sugar with Maple Syrup from Quebec
Maple Syrup Cream Sugar, with its creamy texture and deeply comforting taste, is more than just a dessert. It is a piece of history, a celebration of Quebec identity and...
Authentic Cream Sugar with Maple Syrup from Quebec
Maple Syrup Cream Sugar, with its creamy texture and deeply comforting taste, is more than just a dessert. It is a piece of history, a celebration of Quebec identity and...
Tahini and Avocado Falafels with Tahina Sauce
Dive into the heart of a culinary adventure that revisits one of the most emblematic dishes of the Middle East: falafel. Far from being a simple traditional recipe, we offer...
Tahini and Avocado Falafels with Tahina Sauce
Dive into the heart of a culinary adventure that revisits one of the most emblematic dishes of the Middle East: falafel. Far from being a simple traditional recipe, we offer...