François's blog

Les nouveaux marchés

New markets

I am fortunate to regularly receive new products to test them ....

New markets

I am fortunate to regularly receive new products to test them ....

La fabrication du beurre d'érable : Découvrez le processus et les secrets de cette délicatesse

The making of maple butter!

It's a pretty long process, but I'll show you the final 

The making of maple butter!

It's a pretty long process, but I'll show you the final 

Un vrai petit François Lambert!

A real little François Lambert!

Alex is 19 years old and an entrepreneur at heart!! 

A real little François Lambert!

Alex is 19 years old and an entrepreneur at heart!! 

La persévérance!


I don't know about you, but if I am persistent, it is because I have no natural talent.l.


I don't know about you, but if I am persistent, it is because I have no natural talent.l.

Être entrepreneur

Being an entrepreneur

Let's face it, being an entrepreneur is a bad job! A job that takes all your free time and your thoughts..

Being an entrepreneur

Let's face it, being an entrepreneur is a bad job! A job that takes all your free time and your thoughts..

Comment être un entrepreneur réaliste?

How to be a realistic entrepreneur?

It is impossible to be a successful entrepreneur and to be realistic, you will never be successful if you see the reality of

How to be a realistic entrepreneur?

It is impossible to be a successful entrepreneur and to be realistic, you will never be successful if you see the reality of