François's blog

Bâtir au lieu de démolir

Building instead of tearing down

When we follow the current political contest, we have the impression that it is a boxing fight where we must bring down the others. If we adopted such an attitude...

Building instead of tearing down

When we follow the current political contest, we have the impression that it is a boxing fight where we must bring down the others. If we adopted such an attitude...

RIP Yelo Molo

RIP Yelo Molo

It's not the radio stations' fault if Yelo Molo ends its story today. It's because he didn't know how to tell his story precisely...

RIP Yelo Molo

It's not the radio stations' fault if Yelo Molo ends its story today. It's because he didn't know how to tell his story precisely...

Ma campagne, elle est magnifique!

My campaign is beautiful!

I believe that farmers have a role to play in enhancing the countryside to attract people and stimulate agro-tourism.

My campaign is beautiful!

I believe that farmers have a role to play in enhancing the countryside to attract people and stimulate agro-tourism.

L'art de déléguer!

The art of delegating!

This is one of the first problems that the entrepreneur will face."It's way too complicated what I'm doing, only I'll be able to!"»

The art of delegating!

This is one of the first problems that the entrepreneur will face."It's way too complicated what I'm doing, only I'll be able to!"»

Conciliation travail/famille, est-ce possible ?

Work/family balance, is it possible?

In our case, it is, but we are not a couple that fits into the boxes of the"perfect"couple.

Work/family balance, is it possible?

In our case, it is, but we are not a couple that fits into the boxes of the"perfect"couple.

Bonne attente!

Happy waiting!

In business, we want to go fast, but our day is filled with expectations.

Happy waiting!

In business, we want to go fast, but our day is filled with expectations.