François's blog

Beurre de karité ou beurre corporel fouetté?

Shea butter or whipped body butter?

A question that comes up regularly is what is the difference between shea butter and whipped body butter?

Shea butter or whipped body butter?

A question that comes up regularly is what is the difference between shea butter and whipped body butter?

L'histoire d'Adama

Adam's story

The story says that a woman named Adama lived in a small village in West Africa. Her skin was dry and damaged, caused by the scorching rays of the sun...

Adam's story

The story says that a woman named Adama lived in a small village in West Africa. Her skin was dry and damaged, caused by the scorching rays of the sun...

Pourquoi le nom de gaufre belge ?

Why the name Belgian waffle?

Belgian waffles are thicker and fluffier than other types of waffles. They are baked in a specially designed waffle maker which gives them a raised texture.

Why the name Belgian waffle?

Belgian waffles are thicker and fluffier than other types of waffles. They are baked in a specially designed waffle maker which gives them a raised texture.

Saviez-vous que?

Did you know that?

Popcorn is a cereal that has been cultivated for over 5000 years. He became popular as a snack in movie theaters in the United States in the early 20th century,...

Did you know that?

Popcorn is a cereal that has been cultivated for over 5000 years. He became popular as a snack in movie theaters in the United States in the early 20th century,...

une table de sirop d'érable

Why doesn't maple syrup fall on the heart like ...

Maple syrup has a lower glycemic index than other sugars, which means it doesn't cause rapid, large blood sugar spikes.

Why doesn't maple syrup fall on the heart like ...

Maple syrup has a lower glycemic index than other sugars, which means it doesn't cause rapid, large blood sugar spikes.

Le savon au lait de brebis : un luxe pour votre peau

Sheep's milk soap: a luxury for your skin

Our sheep's milk soap is rich in nutrients such as fatty acids, proteins and minerals, which can help nourish and hydrate your skin. It also contains lactic acid, a gentle,...

Sheep's milk soap: a luxury for your skin

Our sheep's milk soap is rich in nutrients such as fatty acids, proteins and minerals, which can help nourish and hydrate your skin. It also contains lactic acid, a gentle,...